Spill a glass of merlot and have absolutely no idea how to get red stains out of a carpet. Don’t freak out! According to the answer from one member of the Naked Scientist, red stains usually are hard to remove for some reason. A red stain on your beloved carpet can feel like the end of the world, but with the right approach, those blemishes can be exorcised and your floor restored to its pristine look. This guide lays out effective methods for conquering various red stains, which range from fresh juice spills to stubborn nail polish accidents.
How to Get A Red Stain Out of Carpet: 9 Useful Ways

The key to successful stain removal is immediate action and using the appropriate cleaning technique. Here’s a toolbox of methods you can use depending on the type of red stain and its severity:
1. Use the paper immediately when the stain is still wet
Act fast! You should take an absorbent paper towel or white cloth and blot as much of the spilled liquid as possible. Like when you accidentally drop jojoba oil, you should avoid rubbing, as this would pull the stain further. You need to work from the outside of the stain inward to avoid further bleeding. Remember, a swift response to the red stains on your carpet is essential.
2. Apply a sponge dipped in ammonia and soap to the stain
The solution of ammonia and soap really works for fresh spills, especially cranberry juice or other food coloring disasters. First, you mix a little dish soap with warm water, then dip a clean sponge in the solution, and wring it so as not to soak the carpet. Remember to dab the stain lightly, then with clean water. Lastly, you blot the area with a dry towel to take away the remaining moisture. You should test the solution on a small area of the carpet first to make sure it does not cause discoloration.
3. Use a knife to remove the stubborn and hard parts
If the red stains have completely dried or crusted up, such as in the case of ketchup spills, you can use a blunt knife to carefully scrape off the substance. You should do this in a manner that will not scrape the carpet fibers themselves.
4. Use a combination of detergent and white vinegar to treat acidic stains
Another good solution for getting a red stain out of the carpet is white vinegar. For all acidic-based stains, such as fruit juice or a spill of wine, you prepare a cleaning solution of one tablespoon of clear dishwashing liquid in one cup of cool water. Stir in one tablespoon of white vinegar. You then dip a clean cloth in the solution and blot the area from the outside, working your way toward the center.
Finally, you will need to blot and rinse the area of the cleaned spot with a clean damp cloth, then blot dry with a fresh towel. Besides using white vinegar to treat acidic stains, people also use it to clean toilets, floors, and dishes.
5. Pour club soda onto the stain to rinse it away
This simple approach will surprisingly work on fresh spills, such as those from red wine or juice. Club soda has a very gentle effervescence that lifts the stain out without harming the fibers of your carpet. You can pour some club soda onto the stain and blot it up with a clean, white, absorbent cloth. You should repeat until gone.
6. Combine white vinegar and rubbing alcohol to create a cleaning solution for juice stains
To deal with stubborn red juice stains, you can mix equal parts of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a small bowl. You can dip a clean cloth in the solution and gently apply it with light dabs on the stain. In the last stage, rinse the area with clean water and blot dry. Let’s give this tip to someone who needs the answer for how to get red stains out of a carpet.
7. Apply rubbing alcohol or peroxide to remove difficult stains
You can apply rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (3%) to particularly stubborn red stains resulting from food coloring or lipstick. Using one of these solutions, apply an extremely small amount onto a clean cloth and dot the stain lightly. You need to use cold water to rinse; then, blot dry with a clean towel.
8. Sprinkle salt on the stain and vacuum it up
Although simple, salt is a very effective method, especially for fresh bloodstains. You should sprinkle an amount of salt on top of the stain and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. The salt will absorb most of the liquid in the stain. Next, you can vacuum the salt, and then blot the remaining stain with a wet cloth. Blot dry with a clean towel after rinsing the cleaned area with water. With these tips in mind, you will not worry about the problem “how to get a red stain out of carpet” anymore!
9. Dab the blood stain with a cold, damp cloth
The tip is never to use hot water for fresh blood stains as it can permanently set the stain. Gently daub, not rub the stain with a clean cloth and cold water. Rubbing will spread the stain over a larger area. More importantly, rubbing might damage the sensitive surface like wool carpets. Dabbing from the outside of the stain toward the center can prevent further bleeding of the stain. Rinse the area cleaned with clean water and blot with a clean towel.
Some Notes for Preparation Before Cleaning

Before getting started on your stain removal journey, remember these essential tips:
- Always test the cleaning solution on a small area first. This will protect you from any damage to the fibers of your carpet or discoloration.
- Do not scrub heavily, as this could cause fraying or discoloration of carpet fibers. It should be applied by dabbing.
- Blot, don’t rub: Rubbing may spread the stain. Blot excess liquid with an absorbent cloth.
- Rinse Thoroughly: Whenever a cleaning solution is applied, always allow the area to be washed with clean water; otherwise, leftover residue can attract dirt, stains, or bed bugs.
- Let the carpet dry out completely. Avoid walking on the cleaned area before the carpet has dried. This can be done to minimize the possibility of mildew or mold growth.
Final Word
So, you knew how to get red stains out of a carpet? It’s really easy, right? Remember, the golden rule in removing any red stain is to act quickly and employ the correct cleaning methods. Otherwise, if the red stains on your carpet seem to be very serious and cannot be fixed anymore, it’s time to install a new carpet. You are now confident to get rid of any annoying red stains on your carpet with the guidelines in this article!